IFC Council

IFC Council


The Interfraternity Council, also known as IFC, is the governing body for the fraternities on campus. The IFC Council is responsible for creating policies, promoting academic excellence, and planning formal recruitment and other activities for the fraternities.  The IFC has its own executive board comprised of members from the various fraternities on campus with its main function to unite all the fraternities regardless of individual affiliation. Each chapter has a delegate and assistant delegate on the council to serve as their representative. The Interfraternity Council strives to educate its membership, promote harmony among individual chapters and further individual members.

ºÚÁÏÌìÌà Alabama IFC Greek Board of Magistrates Magistrates Bylaws (PDF)

ºÚÁÏÌìÌà Alabama IFC Greek Board of Magistrates Magistrates Standards (PDF)

President: John Musso
VP of Judicial Affairs: Bennett Edmondson 
VP of Recruitment External: Nick Rivera
VP of Recruitment: Tate Sumpter
VP of Education: Andy Biehl
VP of Communication: Adam Hall
VP of Finance: Daniel Harvey
Philanthropy Chair: Eldon Porter
New Member Education Chair: Ryan Dickinson