
Technology Development

Novel Hyperspectral Imaging Microscopy Systems

The goal of this work is to develop hyperspectral imaging fluorescence excitation-scanning microscope systems that enable break-through studies of high-speed events at the biosystems level. Research in this area will benefit biological areas of study from complex cell signaling and cellular biomechanics to cell physiology and cancer biology. We are currently developing fluorescence excitation-scanning technologies that allow a 30-100X increase in sensitivity over previous emission-scanning systems, allowing real-time tracking and quantification of many fluorescent labels simultaneously. The long-term goal of system development is to allow us to decipher the information content contained within complex, spatially-constrained, cell-signaling pathways.

The video below shows a prototype excitation-scanning spectral illumination system operating at 500 ms exposure time per wavelength.

The video below shows the same prototype excitation-scanning spectral illumination system operating at 50 ms exposure time per wavelength.

The video below shows results from using the prototype excitation-scanning spectral illumination system, integrated with an inverted widefield microscope, for live cell imaging of Ca2+ signals in human airway smooth muscle cells.  Cells were labeled with SPY555-actin (actin), Cal520 (Ca2+) and NucBlue (nuclei).

The video below is a second video of the same preparation as above, but with improved actin labeling.

Novel Endoscopy Systems (Clinical Translation of Hyperspectral Imaging Technologies)

The goal of this work is to develop new systems for high-speed hyperspectral imaging of tissues accessible through endoscopic procedure. We are developing novel technologies for high-speed and low-cost spectral imaging system design, including a paradigm shift in the fluorescence hyperspectral imaging called "excitation scanning". Excitation scanning is different from traditional hyperspectral technologies, which filter the fluorescence emission spectrum, as excitation scanning filters the fluorescence excitation spectrum, allowing much faster imaging speeds. We are currently developing methods for integrating this technology with endoscope platforms for colorectal and upper-airway screening.