Zoya Khan
- Ph.D. University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, 2003
- M.A. Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi, India , 1994
- B.A Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi, India, 1992
Research Interests
Director: Graduate Certificate in Spanish for Healthcare Professionals
- Spanish American Literature and Culture:
- Andean Literature and Culture,
- US Hispanic Literature
- Asian Culture and Literature
- Medical Humanities
- Literary Theory
- Subaltern Studies
- Women's Studies
- Film Studies
Journal Articles
- "El Maps de Luto and The Chimera of a Kharisiri State: Subjectivity, Territoriality and the State in La senda de Kharisiri.” Forthcoming Bulletin of Spanish Studies: Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America. 99 (2022)
- "The Novel as Dislocation : Latin America and the United States in Edmundo Paz Soldán's Norte" A Contracorriente: Una revista de estudios latinoamericanos. , Spring 2021.
- "Like a Condemned Sacred Fire: Transnational Capital and Reading as Recovery and Erasure.” Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of Luso-Hispanic World. 8.1 (2018).
- "Dismantling the Narrative Machine: Language, National Narratives and Postnational Flux in Carmen Boullosa's La novela perfecta. " Literature, Interpretation, Theory. 27.2 (2016).
- "Bare Life, Indigenous Viscerality and Cholo Barbarity in Jesús Lara's Yanakuna." Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of Luso-Hispanic World.3.2 (2014): 15-39.
- "'Pirate Utopias': From the Archive to Homeless Writing in Edmundo Paz Soldán's Novels." Bulletin of Spanish Studies: Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America . 91.6 (2014): 913-937.
- "Chuño Palma: A National Subject in Mother's Time." A Contracorriente (Winter 2010): 137-164.
- "Oscar Cerruto's Aluvión de fuego: An Incomplete Narrative of a Fragmented Bolivian Nation." Chasqui 38.1 (2009): 84-103.
- "Moon, Stars and Sharing the Sky of Nationhood in Cristina García's The Aguero Sisters." ᾱ貹óھ 154 (2008): 73-86.
- "The Emergence of Mestizaje in the Works of Adolfo Costa du Rels." The Latin Americanist 50.1 (2006): 74-102.
All levels of graduate and undergraduate language, culture and literature classes.
Graduate Seminars
LG 592 The Urban Space in the Latin American Novel of 20th and 21st Centuries
LG 592 Motherhood and the State in the Latin American Novel of Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
LG 592 Themes and Tendencies of Contemporary Latin American Literature
LG 592 The Pioneers: Feminine Interventions in Political, Social and Literary Debates during the Nineteenth Century in the Hispanic World
LG 592 Nation and Technology in the Contemporary Detective Novel in Latin America
LG 592 Seminar on Jorge Luís Borges
LG 592 Peru in the Novels of Mario Vargas Llosa
LG 592 Writing Home: The Latin American Novel in the United States
Undergraduate Honors Theses
Director, Khanh Trinh, Fantasy Worlds and Modern Lives: Modernity and the Fantastic Literature in Latin America and Asia. Departmental Honors in Progress.
Director, Megan Heatherly. Representations of Immigrants in Contemporary Spanish Cinema, University Honors Program, Spring 2012.
Director, Tina O'Shea. The Healing Touch: An Interdisciplinary Study of the Perceptions of the Physician in Early Twentieth-Century Latin America and the United States, University Honors Program, Fall 2008-Spring 2009.
Reader, Kristen Blosser. Peru: A Country of Two Concurrent National Identities. University Honors Program, Fall 2012-Spring 2013.
Reader, Monica Whatley. Eastern European Immigration to the United States 1990-2010, University Honors Program, Fall 2010-Spring 2011.
Reader, Katie Hardin. Representation of ern Identity in Contemporary ern Literature, University Honors Program, Spring-Summer 2010.
Reader, John Havard. Departmental Honors Thesis in English, Fall 2004.